The AquaFuel® generator
How to
generate gas from water for use as Fuel
created on 12-06-98 - JLN Labs
- last update on 04-03-2003
Toutes les informations et
schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont
destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
Disclaimer: The author assumes no liability for any incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material. |
On 12-06-98, I have built and reproduced
successfully a very simple AquaFuel™
The AquaFuel™ is fully based on the Hilliary Eldridge patent US 603,058 "Electrical
Retort" granted
on April 26, 1898.
This is a non fossil combustible gas which is produced by an electric discharge of carbon arcs within distilled, fresh, salt or other types of water, thus being essentially composed of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and their compounds.
Today, there are a lot of names for this synthetic gas such as Aquafuel™, Aqualene™, Magnegas™, TrueFuel™, Carbo-hydrogen™....
AquaFuel: An example of the emerging new energies and the new methods for their scientific studyAuthor: Ruggero Maria Santilli In this paper we initiate studies of the emerging new forms of energy by using as a representative example the new combustible gas called AquaFuel, discovered and patented by William H. Richardson, jr., whose rights are now owned by Toups Technology Licensing, Inc. (TTL), of Largo, Florida. In essence, AquaFuel is a new energy converter capable of transforming Carbon and water into a new combustible gas via an electric discharge. We show that AquaFuel can be produced easily, safely and rapidly in large amounts, and exhibits greatly reduced emission pollutants as compared to fossil fuels of current use. Despite its simplicity, the chemical and physical characteristics of AquaFuel are largely unknown at this writing. We then review nine basic experimental measurements which are necessary for a scientific appraisal of AquaFuel. We outline the limitations of quantum mechanics and chemistry for the treatment of {\it new} forms of energy, namely, energies which by definition should be {\it beyond} said theories. We finally point out the availability of broader theories specifically constructed for the study of new energies and point out available applications.
This generator produces a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (COH2) and this is a gas wich burns very cleanly in oxygen or air, and it can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine. When burned, COH2 produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, so it generates very little, if any, pollution to the environnement.
Below, an analysis of this gas conducted by the NASA :
This simple experiment is only for testing purposes and only for a proof of the concept. This small generator can't be used for a long working period and it must be used only for demonstration.
You need to get very few materials and it is very simple to build and test it....
Be Carefull, this device generates an explosive gas, you must conduct this test in a well ventiled room or better in open air, you must not smoke during the test.. Don't forget that the carbon monoxide ( CO ) is a very toxic gas, so never breath this gas before burning it. This experiment is not intended for the inexperienced. User of this document should be very carefull to try anything out ! If you do it the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen, let it be of a wrong information or anything else.
You need only to get :
- A little plastic soda bottle,
- two carbon rods ( 70mm length, 6mm diam )
- one 1 ohm 50Watts resistor
- a DC Power supply which is able to deliver 35v / 10A
- some wires, plugs and silicon cement.
Very few material is needed.....
1) Drill two opposite holes (10mm diam) at 60mm from the bottom of the bottle and insert the carbon rods with a rubber washer and glue the washer with silicon cement. I suggest you to make one of the carbon rod into round shape. The two carbon rods must be just slightly in contact before you switch on (see below).
2) Connect the 1 ohm 50W resistor in serie with one of carbon rod and one pole of your DC power supply ( set for 34V/15A DC), the other pole of your power supply is connected to the other carbone rod. You may add some additional multimeters for measuring the Current and the Voltage input. Fill up your generator with only distilled or fresh water.
3) Now, your are ready to produce AquaFuel™......
Click here to see some animated videos of the AquaFuel(tm) generator in action
You will see below some videos which show my AquaFuel(tm) in action and some personal comments.......
click here to see the AquaFuel(tm) demo 1 (277kb)
click here to see the AquaFuel(tm) demo 2 (90kb)
( if you don't have the RealPlayer 5.0, you may download it freely at : )
Some reference documents and web link :
United States Patent 6,183,604
- Santilli - February - 6, 2001 Durable and efficient equipment for the production of a combustible and non-pollutant gas from underwater arcs and method therefor Abstract A system for producing a clean burning combustible gas comprising an electrically conductive first electrode and an electrically conductive second electrode. A motor coupled to the first electrode is adapted to move the first electrode with respect to the second electrode to continuously move the arc away from the plasma created by the arc. A water tight container for the electrodes is provided with a quantity of water within the tank sufficient to submerge the electrodes. Inventors: Santilli; Ruggero Maria (Palm Harbor, FL) Assignee: Hadronic Press, Inc. (Palm Harbor, FL) Field
of the Invention Click here to see the full patent Link to the MagneGas™ technology web site |
United States Patent 6,217,713
- Lee , et al. - April 17, 2001 Process for producing aquafuel by using carbon fiber bundle electrodes Abstract The invention concerns a process for producing aquafuel by replacing conventional inflexible carbon bars with thin, flexible and tough carbon fiber bundles as consumptive electrodes which thereby can be sustainedly fed and can produce aquafuel continuously. Such carbon fiber bundle electrodes can be prepared by pultrusion, and electrodes may be further carbonized or graphitized in order to increase the conductivity and gas productivity thereof. Inventors: Lee;
Chi-Young (Hsin-Chu Hsien, TW); Chen; Swe-Kai (Hsin-Chu,
TW); Tai; Nyan-Hwa (Hsin-Chu, TW) |
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