Fuels researches
created on April 2,
2003 - JLN Labs - Last update
December 31, 2005
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Plasma Fuel Reforming with the PMC
The bubbler is a tank containing a mixture of water and hydrocabures (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, crude oils and others derived from hydrocarbons...).
The hot gas flow coming from the exhaust of the engine circulates by the outside part of the reactor with a strong kinetic energy, that contributes to bring up to very high temperature the steel rod (being used as heat accumulator) contained in the pyrolytic chamber. The gases cross the engine and penetrate then in the bubbler containing the water/hydrocarbures mixture. The vapor of the mixture is strongly aspired by the vacuum created by the engine intake and is pushed by the pressure coming from the exhaust. The kinetic energy of the vapor is increased considerably by the reduction of the diameter in the pyrolytic chamber (by Venturi effect). The combined effect of the high temperature and the increase of the kinetic energy produces a thermochemical decomposition ( molecular breakdown ) of the water/hydrocarbures mixture.
The endothermic reactor forms an Electro-Plasma-Chemical unit (EPC) and it is now possible to create a high-output fuel coming from the decomposition of the water contained in the water/hydrocarbures mixture. This fact is confirmed by the presence of oxygen gaz (O2) in great amount measured in the exhaust.
Le bulleur est un réservoir contenant un mélange d'eau et d'hydrocarbures (essence, diesel, kérosène, huiles usagées et autres dérivés d'hydrocarbures... ).
Le flux de gaz chauds provenant de l'échappement du moteur circule par la partie extérieur du réacteur avec une forte énergie cinétique , cela contribue à porter à très haute température la tige d'acier ( servant d'accumulateur de chaleur ) contenue dans la chambre à pyrolyse. Les gaz traversent le réacteur et pénètrent ensuite dans le bulleur contenant le mélange eau/carburant. Les vapeurs du mélange sont aspirées fortement par le vide créé par l'admission et poussées par la pression provenant de l'échappement. L'énergie cinétique des vapeurs est augmentée considérablement ( dans la partie bleu clair ) par la réduction du diamètre dans la chambre à pyrolyse ( effet de Venturi ). L'effet combiné de la haute température et de cette énergie cinétique accrue provoque la décomposition thermochimique du mélange eau/carburant.
Le réacteur endothermique forme un ensemble électro-plasma-chimique (EPC) permettant de créer un carburant à haut rendement provenant de la décomposition de l'eau contenue dans le mélange eau/hydrocarbures est confirmée par la présence importante d'oxygène O2 dans les gaz d'échappement.
Plasmatron (source : )
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), researchers are developing a reformer, which, like the KCB&H one, uses plasma for reforming hydrocarbons. The advantage of a plasma reformer is that it can use all forms of hydrocarbons, including heavy oil fractions. In addition, the plasma reforming can operate in pyrolytic mode (thermal degrading of organic material without air or oxygen) so that the carbon is turned into soot. This eliminates the formation of CO2. Plasma technology allows for a more compact and lighter design than traditional reformers because the reaction occurs much faster.
MIT is studying use of the plasma reformer in the pyrolytic, partial oxidation and steam reforming methods mode. MIT's "Plasmatron" operates at temperatures of over 2,000 oC, and the amount of hydrogen produced is around 80-90%. The main disadvantage with plasma reforming is its dependency on electrical power. MIT hopes to lower the need for electricity to 5% of the fuel's combustibility caloric value through heat recycling and a better reactor design; today it is 20%.
[L. Bromberg et al 1997/1998]
Tests et plans d'une tondeuse équipée du PMC
Full tests and diagrams of a lawnmower retrofited with the PMC
Vidéos de démonstration de la tondeuse PMC en Haute Qualité
High Quality videos about the PMC retrofited lawnmower
Tests d'un groupe électrogène rétrofité avec le PMC by Philippe Driot
Test of an electrical power generator retrofited with the PMCby Philippe Driot
Détails complets et vidéos explicatives sur le PMC par M. David
Full details and tutorial videos about the PMC by M. David
Photos et vidéos de conseils sur les améliorations du PMC par M.David
Tout sur le processeur multi-carburants de Paul Pantone par Quant'homme
Des véhicules rétrofités avec succès...De nombreux conseils techniques pour les constructeurs du PMC par M.David
Calcul de l'efficacité d'un rétrofit PMC sur la consommation d'un tracteur par C. Martz
Le ChtiPantone, des tracteurs au PMC dans le Nord de la France"Avant son installation, le tracteur consommait 12-15 L/h.
Lors du dernier essai contrôlé avec un broyeur de 3 mètres pendant 8 heures d'affilée, la consommation de gazole s'est stabilisée à 7.5 L/h pour une consommation d'eau de 1.7 L/h."
Le SPAD(c) est un optimiseur compact de performances pour les moteurs diesel et essence, dérivé du PMC Pantone, proposé par APTE. La consommation de carburant et la pollution sont fortement réduites...
The BingoFuel Reactor experiment
The BingoFuel Reactor v1.0 ( 1080 liters/hour of fuel mixture )
Le BingoFuel Reactor v1.0 ( 1080 litres/heure de mélange de carburant )
Tests of the BingoFuel Reactor v1.1
Tests du BingoFuel Reactor v1.1
How to build the BingoFuel Reactor v1.1
Comment construire le BingoFuel Reactor v1.1
The CFR for producing BingoFuel...
Produire du BingoFuel avec le CFR...
The Worldwide BingoFuel Reactor BUILDERS LOGBOOK ( Updated 05-29-03 )
Burning gas tests with the BingoFuel Reactor
Tests de combustion du gaz produit par le BingoFuel Reactor
A 5HP electrical generator fully powered with the BingoFuel Reactor
Un groupe électrogène de 5 cv entièrement alimenté par le BingoFuel Reactor
How to build a cheap and simple AquaFuel generator
Patent : US 603,058 - Electrical Retort by Hilliary Eldridge April 26, 1898
Construction of a Simplified Wood Gas Generator for Fueling Internal Combustion Engines in a Petroleum emergency by The Biomass Energy Foundation Press See the full document at :
<< This report is one in a series of emergency technology assessments sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The purpose of this report is to develeop detailed, illustrated instrucions for the fabrication, installation, and operation of a biomass gasifier unit (i.e. a "producer gas" generator, also called a "wood gas" generator) which is capable of providing emergency fuel for vehicles, such as tractors and trucks, should normal petroleum sources be severely disrupted for an extended period of time. These instructions have been prepared as a manual for use by any mechanic who is reasonably proficient in metal fabrication or engine repair.
Fuel gas, produced by the reduction of coal and peat, was used for heating as early as 1840 in Europe and by 1884 had been adapted to fuel engines in England. Prior to 1940, gas generator units were a familiar, but not extensively utilized, technology. However, petroleum shortages during World War II led to widespread gas generator applications in the transportation industries of Western Europe. (Charcoal burning taxis, a related application, were still common in Korea as late as 1970.) The United States, never faced with such prolonged or severe oil shortages, has lagged far behind Europe and the Orient in familiarity with and application of this technology. However, a catastrophic event could disrupt the supply of petroleum in this country so severely that this technology might be critical in meeting the energy needs of some essential economic activities, such as the production and distribution of food. >>
- The ALF Vaporizer system manual by Alan Francoeur ( with diagrams and photos )
- The Brown's gas generator by Milan Manchich ( with diagrams and photos )
- A working and tested water engine patented by François Cornish ( with diagrams and photos )
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visitors since April 2nd, 2003