Enhanced Cold Fusion Reactor
created on May 8, 2003 - JLN
Labs - Last update May 28, 2003
Toutes les
informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware )
et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
1 - The Enhanced Cold Fusion Reactor v3.0 - Description :
The Cold Fusion Reactor ( CFR ) v3.0 uses a new enhanced design with a 1000 mL Dewar vessel filled with a 600 mL of demineralized water and 41.5 g of Potassium Carbonate ( K2CO3 ), the electrolyte solution used is 0.5 molar ( 0.5 M, ). The Dewar vessel, used as the container for the CFR v3.0, keeps the strong heat and the light energy produced by the reactor. The reduced output of the Dewar neck avoid some eventual projections of the water outside the vessel.
The CFR v3.0 runs at a very stable regime and the power efficiency measured during all the tests conducted is more than 200%.
The Cathode used is a pure tungsten rod ( W ) 3 mm diameter and 25 mm length from tungsten TIG electrodes (WP) commonly used forTIG and Plasma welding. The Anode used is composed of stainless steel grid maintained with a stainless steel shaft. All the wires connections are made with a 1.5 mm2 copper flexible wire gained with silicon.
2 - Experimental test setup :
The CFR v3.0 is powered with a DC voltage through a bridge rectifier connected through an adjustable isolation transformer to the 220V AC power grid line. The voltage input has been measured with a digital oscilloscope Fluke 123 with a Shielded Test Lead STL 120 ( 1:1, 1 Mohms/225 pF ). The current input has been measured with a current clamp CIE Model CA-60A ( Accuracy DC Amps ±1.5%, AC Amps±2% (40Hz-2kHz), AC Amps±4%(2kHz-10kHz), AC Amps±6%(10kHz-20kHz) ). The temperature has been measured with a type "K" temp probe ( NiCrNi ) connected on a VC506 digital multimeter ( -20°C to +1200 °C with an accuracy of +/- 3% ). ( see the photo above ).
3 - RUN #1 - Test results :
Test procedure :
1) The temperature of the K2CO3
solution in the CFR has been set initially to 83°C.
2) The weight of the CFR has been measured initially, it was 1336
3) The power supply has been switched on continuously and the
Voltage/Current datas has been recorded in the Fluke 123 digital
oscilloscope used as a data logger, up to a temperature of
4) Then the weight of the CFR has been measured, it was 1292 g.
The run time of the CFR has been 124.8 seconds.
During the
test, the production of steam is very strong ( see above )
The Voltage/Current datas logged give an average electrical power input of 574.8 Watts during 124.8 seconds, so this gives :
The evaporated water in the CFR during the full boiling was 44 mL. We know that we need 2260 J/g to vaporize water. The temperature rise of the 600 mL was 19°C. So, this gives :
ENERGY OUTPUT = ( 44 x 2260 ) + ( 600 x 19 x 4.18 ) = 147092 Joules
Power OUTPUT = 1178.6 Watts, Net Power Gain = 603.8 Watts
Energy OUTPUT/INPUT = 147092 / 71739 = 2.05 |
4 - RUN #3 - Test results :
Test procedure :
1) The temperature of the K2CO3
solution in the CFR has been set initially to 86°C.
2) The weight of the CFR has been measured initially, it was 1334
3) The power supply has been switched on continuously and the
Voltage/Current datas has been recorded in the Fluke 123 digital
oscilloscope used as a data logger, up to a temperature of
4) Then the weight of the CFR has been measured, it was 1286 g.
The run time of the CFR has been 127.2 seconds.
The Voltage/Current datas logged give an average electrical power input of 518.2 Watts during 127.2 seconds, so this gives :
The evaporated water in the CFR during the full boiling was 48 mL. We know that we need 2260 J/g to vaporize water. The temperature rise of the 600 mL was 17°C. So, this gives :
ENERGY OUTPUT = ( 48 x 2260 ) + ( 600 x 17 x 4.18 ) = 151116 Joules
Power OUTPUT = 1188 Watts, Net Power Gain = 669.8 Watts
Energy OUTPUT/INPUT = 151116 / 65918 = 2.29 |
After a lot
of tests runs, some small longitudinal cracks are visible on the
pure W cathode,
these small fractures are produced by the Hydrogen Embrittlement
Cracking effect ( HEC ) on the tungsten.
See the videos of the Enhanced CFR v3.0 in action
To see the video, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
You may download free the RealPlayer 8 Basic at :
Demonstration of the Enhanced CFR v3.0 in
Click on the picture above
to see the video ( 892 Kb )
The full video of the Test RUN #2 of CFR
Click on the picture above
to see the video (782 Kb )
The working
of the Cold Fusion Reactor CFR v3.0 is very stable and now ready
for long tests runs...
here to see a FULL SCREEN MPEG VIDEO of the Enhanced CFR v3.0 in
action.. .
Fusion Reactor : Full Experimental datas
Tests of the CFR v3.3 with a new PS
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