GFS-UAV N-01A LWC test flights

with a wind speed up to 10 km/h

created on April 23, 2006 - JLN Labs - April 23, 2006
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( opensource ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (opensource) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

On April 23, 2006, early in the morning, I have conducted a new serie of outdoor test flights with the GFS-UAV N-01A with a wind speed up to 10 km/h.

You will find below some photos and a video of the test flights.

The UAV N-01A, placed on its launch pad, is ready to take off.

While the power is increased the UAV takes off quickly at high speed.

The wind blows frontwards and the UAV N-01A is slightly inclined downwards during the hovering.

The N-01A flight is really impressive in the sky and the steering of the UAV is very easy.

This test flight has demonstrated that the N-01A is able to fly and hover at high altitude (AGL).

Return To Base (RTB) : while the power is decreased, the UAV N-01A descends smoothly...

Woww... These successful test flights have demonstrated again the great capabilities of this UAV...

If the video doesn't start itself, click on the "Refresh" button on your internet browser

Click here to download a video for Windows (WMV) (9.5 Mb)
Click here to download a DivX video (AVI) (15 Mb)
Click here to download a video for Quicktime (MPEG) (21.5 Mb)

Comments from Jean-Louis Naudin : These N-01A test flights have demonstrated that the UAV is able to hover at high altitude above the ground in spite of a front wind blowing up to 10 km/h. The steering of the UAV on each axis (Yaw, Roll, Pitch) is very easy for the pilot without additionnal computerized help.

For more informations, please contact Jean-Louis Naudin :

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