The Vallée Synergetic Generator
The VSG project by JL Naudin
created on February 3, 2003 - JLN Labs - Last update October 24, 2005
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

Picture of the day : Photo of the fusion area in the VSG

This photo shows EVs strikes on the surface of the Th-loaded Tungsten rod initiated with only 37 V DC (VSG v3.5)
It is important to notice that the fusion temperature of the Tungsten is 3680°K

    The Vallée Synergetic Generator (VSG) project LogBook
Date Version Comments
Oct 24, 2005 Doc The Electromagnetic energy, material and gravitational by René-Louis Vallée (a full PDF book )
Mar 11, 2005 Doc La Synergie des noyaux et la radioactivité par René-Louis Vallée
Mar 8, 2005 Doc La Théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
Mar 8, 2005 Doc Les bases de la mécanique Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
Mar 8, 2005 v3.5 Full tests of the VSG v3.5 with a VIDEO DEMONSTRATION ( Energy factor 2.66 )
Mar 6, 2005 Doc The Synergetic theory: A solution to the energy crisis
Mar 5, 2005 Doc La théorie Synergétique : Une solution à la crise de l'énergie
Mar 3, 2005 Doc Rappel de quelques notions élémentaires de physique nucléaire
Feb 21, 2005 Doc La gravitation et la radioactivité, actions des milieux sur la matière.
Feb 20, 2005 v4.1 Sucessfull High Power tests run with the VSG v4.1 ( Energy factor 3.46 )
Feb 20, 2005 Doc Les certitudes du modèle "Synergétique" et le principe d'incertitude de "Heisenberg"
Feb 17, 2005 Doc Le Vide producteur d'énergie - Captation de l'énergie diffuse
Feb 13, 2005 v3.1 Sucessfull tests run with the new VSG v3.1 ( Energy factor 2.53 )
Feb 12, 2005 Doc Full detailled explanations about the PROTELF working process
Feb 9, 2005 v2.1 Use of the full discharge energy of the capacitor, test with a 1 ohm shunt on the CT output
Feb 8, 2005 v2.0 Problem with the discharge area, the plastic tube of the coil has melted
Feb 6, 2005 v2.0 The first VSG tests with a solid state High Power MosFET switcher ( Energy factor 2.08 )
Oct 8, 2003 v1.0 Preliminary tests of the VSG with a mechanical switch

Cliquez ici pour lire la version française

THE VSG experiment

This experiment is fully based on the Prof René-Louis Vallée Synergetic theory1. The purpose of this experiment is to find a simple and reproducible device which is able to produce the nuclear reaction claimed by the Prof R.L. Vallée. The main material used in this device is a pure carbon rod. Here, the carbon is not consummed by the reaction, it acts as a pump Vs the Vacuum EM energy.

So, according to the Prof R.L. Vallée theory, the required condition to get the Synergetic effect is :

  1. To align the fields of the electrons and the nucleus of the carbon atoms by the use of a colinear E-Field and B-Field,

  2. the energy of external photons (g) is used to absorb the kinetic energy of the electrons,

  3. so, the stopped electrons can be attracted by the carbon nucleus,

  4. a nuclear reaction begins: the Carbon is transmutted into radioactive Boron (which has a radioactive decay of 20ms)

  5. then, the vacuum energy is tapped by the nucleus and the Boron is transmutted back to Carbon while a strong pulse of 13 Mev is sent (see the reaction below) .

Click on the picture to see the details of the PROTELF process

This process is the called "Capture PROTELF " 3 ( PROTon - ELectron Fusion) process by the Prof R.L. Vallée. A such process is able to produce up to 2.988 GW of Free Energy per gram of Carbon used, while the carbon is not consumed...

Reference documents :

  1. The Electromagnetic energy, material and gravitational by René-Louis Vallée (a fully downloadable PDF book, file size: 3.5 Mb)
  2. L'Energie Electromagnétique matérielle et gravitationnelle, les bases de la théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
    (a fully downloadable book in PDF, file size: 9 Mb)
  3. La Théorie Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
  4. Les bases de la mécanique Synergétique par René-Louis Vallée
  5. La Synergie des noyaux et la radioactivité par René-Louis Vallée
  6. Synergétique N°11, édité par la SEPED
  7. Capture PROTELF - Schéma de principe par Franck Vallée
  8. La relève de l'Energie - La Synergétique, édité par la SEPED
  9. Le Vide producteur d'énergie - Captation de l'énergie diffuse
  10. Les certitudes du modèle "Synergétique" et le principe d'incertitude de "Heisenberg"
  11. La gravitation et la radioactivité, actions de milieux sur la matière.
  12. Rappel de quelques notions élémentaires de physique nucléaire
  13. La théorie Synergétique : Une solution à la crise de l'énergie
  14. The Synergetic theory: A solution to the energy crisis

Acknowledment : I am grateful to Franck Vallée for his helpfull documentation and advices in this field of research.

For more informations :

WARNING, USE CAUTION ! This experiment is not intended for the inexperienced. User of this document should be very carefull and experienced in the field of electronic and nuclear physics to try anything out ! If you do it the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen.

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