Free Energy from Atomic
MAHG - Towards High Efficiency
Created on June
20, 2005 - Updated on June 23, 2005
The purpose of these tests is to improve the MAHG efficiency so as to overcome the losses due to the poor efficiency of the Carnot cycle at the MAHG output.
The MAHG under the High Efficiency
tests runs with short DC pulses
The previous power supply has been
replaced by a high power battery (12V 100Ah - 720A) connected
through a High Power MosFet Switcher
The High Power Switcher is driven with a TGP 110 - 10 MHz pulse generator (see below)
Test procedure :
1) Before each RUN, the MAHG device is cooled with the fan for at least 30 min so as to get a stable Input/Output temperature.
2) The initial conditions are carefully noted : the initial water flow (S_F_m3/h), the inital temperature (Ts2) at the input and at the output (Ts1) and the temperature correction value (T Offset = Ts1 - Ts2) for the initial conditions is calculated.
3) At the end of the long RUN the final conditions are noted : the final water flow (F_F_m3/h), the final temperature (Tf2) at the input and at the output (Tf1) and the temperature difference (dT = (Tf1 - Tf2) - (T Offset)) is calculated. The average voltage and current are also measured on the digital oscilloscope.
Data sheet results details :
Input (V), Input (A) : Rms Voltage and Rms Current at the input
S_F_m3/h : Water flow measured at the start of the run in m3/h
F_F_m3/h : Water flow measured at the end of the run in m3/h
Freq : Pulse frequency ( square wave )
DTC : Duty Cycle of the pulse
AVG_F : Average flow of water during all the run in m3/h
Ts1 : Output temperature of the water at the start of the run
Ts2 : Input temperature of the water at the start of the run
T Offset = Ts1 - Ts2 : temperature correction value for the initial conditions
Tf1 : Output temperature of the water at the end of the run
Tf2 : Input temperature of the water at the end of the run
dT : Temperature difference at the end of the run, dT = (Tf1 - Tf2) - (T Offset)
PWR INP : Electrical power at the input
PWR OUT : Thermal power at the output :
Power OUTPUT = Flow Rate (m3/h) x dT (°C ) x ( 4,18 x 106 / 3600 ) = Flow Rate (m3/h) x dT (°C ) x 1161,11
Efficiency = Power OUTPUT / Power INPUT
Comments from Jean-Louis Naudin : These tests demonstrate clearly that the efficiency of the MAHG increases ( up to 1153% ) while the duty cycle of the squared pulse decreases (up to 5%).
Comments from Jean-Louis Naudin : Long tests runs ( 2 hours ) have been performed at 10% DTC. These tests have demonstrated that the efficiency is greater than the previous 10 min tests runs. This was due to the warm up time of the MAHG at low power ( ~10 Watts input ), so after 2 hours the power output was stable. In a next version of the MAHG setup (v2.0), I shall use a new digital flowmeter and a new thermologger with two brand new thermocouples (type K). The water flow will be also decreased so as to increase the dT at the MAHG output. All the data will be recorded in real time for a better accuracy of the measurements.
HIGH EFFICIENCY confirmed with a new
tests bench
For more informations, please contact Jean-Louis Naudin at :
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visitors since June 20, 2005