Free Energy from Atomic
MAHG v2.0 - High Efficiency with
a new tests bench
Created on June
23, 2005 - Updated on June 28, 2005
This new MAHG setup v2.0 has been built for a better accuracy of the output power measurement. All the datas (temp I/O and water flow) have been recorded with two different dataloggers sets at a sampling rate of 5 sec.
So, I have used a brand new equipement for this setup :
A new MAHG reactor not yet tested,
A calibrated digital thermologger Voltcraft K204 (from -200°C to +200°C , +/- 0.2% ) with two probes type K
A digital flowmeter McMillan Company S-111-8 (at 0.5 L/min error + 0.20 %) - calibrated up to 05-23-2006.
A calibrated Multimeter Fluke 189 used as a datalogger for the flowmeter and for the frequency and duty cycle measurement
A calibrated digital oscilloscope Metrix (MTX3352-C) with a current clamp (VC 601)
A high power battery (12V 100Ah - 720A)
A pulse generator TGP 110 - 10 MHz
The new tests bench for the MAHG
The new equipement used for
measuring the power output in realtime
The duty cycle and the frequency
are measured with the Fluke 189 multimeter
Comments from Jean-Louis Naudin : This new test setup v2.0 for the MAHG has given more accurate datas about the real power flow at the MAHG output. During the RUN #74 all the datas have been recorded during 20 minutes, the average power output measured was 90,56 watts with only 13,22 watts at the input. The delta T was 2.8°C with a cooling water flow of 0.54 L/min. The average efficiency measured was 682 % during this test.
See also :
v2.0: ONE HOUR tests at 1500%
For more informations, please contact Jean-Louis Naudin at :
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visitors since June 23, 2005